The Filters
The Filters
the section
that interests you.
Naturally, no two people experience the world, or react to it, or want to react to it, in exactly the same way.
So it is with all the other animals and plants in our world. Each is a little (or a lot!) different than the next. And, because of that diversity, each one is able to adapt and survive a little differently than the next. In fact, this variability in the way everything is built is exactly why living things have been able to prosper and thrive on our planet throughout a few billion years of extraordinarily varied and changing geological circumstances. Our differences, our experimentation with and ability to generate differences, have ensured the survival of the planet's living lineages from their start here to the present day.
With these differences comes individual responsibility to one degree or another. It has always been up to each one of us living things to be able to make the most of what we have been given, in the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and to thrive with it. We living things may help out immediate offspring, or perhaps other species we have a symbiotic relationship with. However, anything beyond our temporally and geographically local group has usually not been given consideration. This playing out of "natural law" has had the effect of evolving species which are rather resilient in most of their chosen circumstances.
About the First Principles
takes the perspective that each of us is BUILT uniquely. We differ by virtue of our inherited genetic traits and instincts. There is even slight variation in the way these inherited features get put together. However closely we may resemble each other, much like snowflakes no two of us are alike. Even genetically identical twins (each a clone of the other) turn out a little differently.
More on First Principles
About Preference Diversity
Much of our preference diversity is a result of culture, upbringing, and accidental friendships and experiences. But many more differences are the result of individual variations in how each of us are built. In other words, many of our differences are organic in nature. We are Born the Way We Are. Can we change and grow? Yes. Within limits.
For example, we may be able to train tidy up a bit more than we are used to. BUT, we may find it impossible to become as artistically competent to care for and replicate detail in much the same way as Michelangelo. Or, for that matter, Salvador Dalí.
More on Preference Diversity
will post a more detailed description of each.
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