The Filters
The Filters

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Brief Descriptions of our posted Filters
Now that ConserveLiberty has posted multiple filters, we realize it would be convenient to list quick descriptions of them, and update those filter chapters with those brief descriptions.

As we progress, we will post the summaries here. And, our status.

Consider the computer generated example at right.

In the making of music, many, many components are required. They work (play?) together. The way they are tuned, and their tempo with respect to one another can change the outcome dramatically. Break any one part, or de-tune it, and you may no longer have "jazz" or "funk". And yet no one part is responsible for the "jazz" or "funk". The style produced exists in the ensemble as a whole.

The Summaries (in progress)
12-19 out of 23 summarized:
  • The Curiosity Personality Spectrum Tapestry - depending on how effective its default "setting" is, enables a spectrum of behaviors leading to interest, identification, characterization. Basically, curiosity-oriented behaviors are "What Is this?" oriented exploration behaviors. It is itself made up of an ensemble of influential components and traits, such as:
    • The Memory Function
    • The Recall Function
    • The Forgetting (Memory Delete) Function
    • The Difference Engine
    • The Reward System
    • Various of the Subroutines restarted along The Cognitive Reboot
    • The New Memory Formation (e.g. short term, possibly long term) Function. Curiosity will not be invoked if new memories cannot be formed.
    • The Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • The Libido Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • The Pattern Recognition Personality Filter
    • The Bullshit Detection Filter
    • The Reality Perception Ensemble
    • ... and others.
    • The Environment

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Libido Personality Spectrum Tapestry - depending on how effective its default "setting" is, enables a spectrum of behaviors leading to interest, desire, lust, attraction, sexual arousal, pursuit, conquest. It is itself made up of an ensemble of influential components and traits, such as:
    • The Sexual Libido Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • The Competition Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • The Ambition Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • ... and others.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Filter - depending on where our default "setting" is, enables our ability to both Comprehend what may actually be True given the information we have at the time and from there move forward in developing (innovating) alternative perspectives that may be even more True and more Useful. This Filter (actually a Tapestry) is likely composed of the following Ensembles:
    • The Cognitive Aptitude Personality Spectrum Ensemble - required in order to actually understand what one is doing and why. Not because one has memorized something, but rather actually understands it. Can derive understanding given prerequisite conditions that are its basis.
    • The Innovation Personality Spectrum Ensemble - often entertains situations that one has an earlier familiarity with, but in different, novel, out-of-the-box perspectives. Oftentimes, multiple perspectives are entertained at the same time. Because validation is required, often is drawn to experimental activity intending to uncover the underlying truth of a thing.
    • The Likelihood Recognition Personality Spectrum Ensemble - able to hold multiple unproven alternatives under consideration, as if they may be truthful, prior to validation. Are comfortable thinking in terms of the probability that a hypothesis may or may not be factually true.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Engagement Formation Ensemble - depending on where our default "setting" is, enables our ability to correctly Engage or Withdraw under the right circumstances. For the purposes of illustration only, ConserveLiberty proposes the following model for "settings" and observed behavioral mood phenotypes:
    • a relatively flexible ability to purposefully modulate between Engagement and Withdrawal exists within default settings of 30 - 60. Best if somewhere midway, less as we get closer to the extremes of 0 - 100 in either direction.
    • as the default setting becomes lower, the inability to purposefully modulate between Engagement and Withdrawal becomes an issue. Once the setting for the Ensemble becomes less than 25, then the ability to modulate is so compromised that a purposeful decision to switch from Withdrawal to Engagement is very difficult or no longer possible to make, and a clinical diagnosis of Depression can be made.
    • once the setting becomes greater than 75, then the ability to regulate between Engagement and Withdrawal is so compromised that a purposeful decision to switch from Engagement to Withdrawal is very difficult or no longer possible to make, and a clinical diagnosis of Mania or Hypomania can be made.
    • For those whose ensemble settings are exceptionally "noisy", ranging from above 75 to below 25 within an oscillation period of days or weeks, a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder is made.

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  • The Habit Formation Ensemble - depending on where our default "setting" is, renders one instinctively within a range anywhere from:
    • quite prone to Very Strong Habit formation (very difficult if not impossible to break habits or "addictions"), if set near one extreme, to
    • a tendency toward Moderate Habit formation tendencies (can or does form some very strong habits, but also fairly weak ones, depending on the specific types of things being exposed to (e.g. chemical, behavioral, and food choices)), to
    • more likely to establish Weak Habits (relatively easy to change or eliminate based simply on a personal decision to do so,) if set near the other extreme.
    • The biology (physiology, genetics, etc.) which encompasses all the components that enable our ability to form habits (both strong and weak) are slowly becoming understood with the benefit of a great deal of discovery research. Often, when these components become clinically significant they are seen involved in the biology underlying various Addictions. Some of this is referred to in ConserveLiberty's chapter.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Reality Perception Ensemble - depending on where our default "setting" is, renders one instinctively within a range anywhere from:
    • doing a credible job at discerning what is Real vs. what is Not Real, or Unreal, or Imaginary (if set near one extreme,) to
    • doing a good enough job such that we are still tolerable among those sane souls we interactive with, although they may regard us as "high-maintenance" (if set a bit more midway,) to
    • being considered schizophrenic, unable to distinguish between the Real and the Unreal, (if set near the other extreme)
    • The biology (physiology, genetics, etc.) which encompasses all the components that enable our ability to discern the real from the unreal (both strong and weak) are slowly becoming understood with the benefit of a great deal of discovery research. Often, when these components become clinically significant they are seen involved in the biology underlying various aspects of Schizoprenia. Some of this is referred to in ConserveLiberty's chapter.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter - confers the ability to recognize Providence (All That Is) in The Reality With and Among Us as It unfolds, and to respond to and with it cognitively and organically as if in relationship with it.
    • ConserveLiberty regards "Providence" as the unfolding of All That Is, in the way that All That Is unfolds due to the Fundamental Rules and Fundamental Prerequisites that govern the existence of All That Is.
    • No Real Fundamental Rule or Prerequisite is ever broken. They are, after all, fundamental rules and prerequisites.
    • ConserveLiberty does not assume the existence or involvement of an all-powerful, all intelligent being. Those who do attempt to willfully influence Providence through the use of "Prayer" (in effect to "manage" a God to deliver a desired outcome,) while imaginative, DO NOT understand "Providence".
    • Those with a strong Providence Filter (set near one extreme,) "get this". They may "believe" that they can achieve what they are committed to working toward. They may not know how that acheivement will actually take place. And they will be grateful when it happens.
    • Those with a weaker Providence Filter (set a bit more midway,) recognise Providence "in play" in their lives and the lives of others, but recognize it less realistically, and often let their imagination "fill in the gaps" with "faith-based" narratives that offer "meaning" but are not ever validated, or able to be.
    • Those with very weak Providence Filters (set near the other extreme) often regard themselves as atheists or agnostic. While they may be accurate in their assertion that a "supreme being" doesn't exist or hasn't been validated, it is also true that they also either do not or cannot recognize the actual intrinsically essential impact Providence plays in the existence and unfolding of All That Is

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Empathy Filter
    • "Empathy" - the ability to understand what another is thinking and perceiving from that other's own perspective. The "Other" is not coming from "your perspective if you were in their situation." The "Other" is from their perspective, completely independant of your perspective.
    • Note: Empathy is not "compassion" and it is not "sympathy".
    • Those with stronger Empathy Spectrum Filters can get closer to empathy than those with weaker Empathy Filters.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Bullshit Detection Filter - enables the perception of whether or not sufficient validation of a representation has occurred such that dialogue in search of the most accurate interpretation of what is being discussed can happen.
    • This Filter enables a judgement regarding whether or not what is being presented is coming from a source that correlates Credibility, Truth, and Relevance with the validation of the presented as Fact. It assesses, "Is what is presented being interpreted from the perspective of a solid, skeptical, rational, analytical approach?"
    • Depending on your own Bullshit Detection Filter settings, and the settings of other of your interacting Filters, ... you may either understand why "fact and relevance" is so important ... or you may be certain that fact and relevance are simply a matter of perspective and that different perspectives are equally valid. Or, somewhere in between.
    • This Filter is independant of any default personality trait that may skew towards optimism or pessimism. Either optimists or pessimists may be endowed with either strong or weak Bullshit Detection Filters.
    • Though the Filter itself cannot determine if what is being presented is actually factual, those with a strong Bullshit Detection Filter (set near one extreme) are able to recognize that which is ... "suspect, not likely factual, or not validated as factual."
    • Many with a more moderate Filter (set a bit more midway,) can perceive the bull as not reflecting reality accurately, and often find humor in the assertions.
    • Those with a weakly expressing Bullshit Detection Filter (set near the other extreme) are more likely to accept either intentionally or unintentionally offered Bullshit as true. We consider these people easily persuaded, or, "gullible."

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Filter - hardens the embrace of (or commitment to) beliefs to the point that they will NOT be reconsidered.
    • ConserveLiberty regards ANY learning that has occurred through our interaction with others or our environment, and thus that is not directly the result of genetically determined behaviors or perceptions, as Indoctrination.
    • For almost all of us, our Imagination Facility comes into play with our Indoctrinated Preferences Filter.
    • Denial and Dismissal of things in conflict with our narratives (beliefs,) and especially narratives we have been indoctrinated with, is a hallmark feature of the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Filter. Alternate views are simply dismissed, ignored. No reconsideration is ever attempted or contemplated.
    • Paradoxically, while the instinct to embrace indoctrinations enables perspectives that are helpful for us to persist, it is also true that these same instincts can lead us to accept indoctrinations that work to our disadvantage.
    • Many mass indoctrinations are based on Imagination and Intention rather than on Credible Facts and Rational Logic. They are known to be Non-fact-based by the Leadership that advocates them. To gain acceptance they are paired with easy to embrace narratives that the Indoctrinations will not actually realize.
    • Those with a strong Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Filter (set near one extreme) tend not to consider alternate positions that are in conflict with their indoctrinated beliefs. They consider themselves "practical minded" and "grounded" in the real world.
    • Those with a weak Indoctrinated Preferences Filter (set near the other extreme) will comfortably reexamine their narratives and beliefs. These are the innovators, inventors, optimizers, and true scientists.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Resonances (see On Being)
    • Summary for this page not yet created

  • The Asymmetry of the Filters
      [ <b>Heaven is where pic</b> ]
    • None of us can fully understand where another is "coming from" because none of us approaches the comprehension of our selves, others, or our environment in quite the same way. Why? Because we are all built differently. Physiologically, and thus cognitively. Why? Because the "filters" that come together to create the tapestry of our cognition are built and come together in different ways (more or less.)

      It is a Fundamental Prerequisite that no two things in the entire universe are ever exactly the same. → The Fundamental Prerequisite of Variation

      Since ALL cognitive tapestries are all different (slightly or more so) then the cognitive phenotypes manifested are all different (slightly or more so.) Thus there will not ever be two people that approach the same situation in exactly the same way with exactly the same perspective, instincts, and response.

      It's that simple. Two word summary → "Filter Differences"

      "Subjectivity" expresses the observation that we all see things a little differently, because we all see things from our own perspective.

      All of us will, in one way or another, Misunderstand each other.

    (If you followed a link to here for this definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Faith (Requirement to Believe) Personality Filter - strong tendency to believe without additional rational confirmation. Paradigm challenge is not welcome.
    • Summary for this page not yet created

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  • The Attachment Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble - When it is dialed up sufficiently, our instinct or urge is to "maintain associations", to be "consistent", to minimize unexpected, uncomfortable or disappointing change.
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    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • The Compatibility-Seeking Personality Spectrum Filter - When dialed up sufficiently, our instinct or urge is to "fit in", to be "agreeable", to lessen conflict or discomfort.
    • Summary for this page not yet created

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  • Pattern Recognition Personality Filter - enables and compels one to recognize patterns and discriminate between appropriate actions or conclusions as a result of habituated, repeated experience.
    • ability to detect meaningful relationships or patterns between things or events that repeatedly occur concurrently or sequentially with one another.
    • comfortable predicting, anticipating, or prognosticating confidently a future outcome based on recognition of similar circumstances in the past.
    • confusion when exposed to non-sequitured communication (statements that are not relevant to the topic being discussed)
    • ability to "find what is hidden in plain sight", quickly proofread for spelling / grammatical errors, assemble puzzles.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • Analytical Spectrum Personality Filter - actively seeks to break things down and verify what is actually present or meant in order to understand a thing
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  • The Violence (Monster) Personality Filter
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  • The Fact Recognition Personality Filter - yes, believe it or not, many are not as able as others to recognize actual facts as indeed actual facts. Similarly, consequences that repeatedly are seen to result from identified circumstances and are explainable rationally are not seen by others as consequences that credibly result from those circumstances. Usually, a strong Imaginative Personality Filter, when present, leads to comfort that alternate consequences can unfold from those circumstances (even though, in fact, such consequences have never been seen to unfold from those circumstances.) Again, actual facts are not recognized as actual facts, and actual consequences are not recognized as actual consequences. This filter is different from the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Filter, although the perspective impact can often be the same.
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created

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  • The Truth Affinity Personality Spectrum Filter
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created

  • The Cognitive Aptitude Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created

  • The Innovation Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created

  • The Likelihood Recognition Personality Spectrum Ensemble
    • Try here. ←
    • Filter description not yet fully posted. Summary for this page not yet created

  • The The Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created

  • The Imaginative (or Creative) Personality Filter - enables the ability to craft novel explanations or proposals from learned material that is different from the explanations commonly given and accepted.
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created
    • May also be referred to as the Imagination Facility

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  • The Serious Spectrum Filter - manifests our default preference to be "more often serious" vs. "more often frivolous".

    Note   → The Serious Spectrum Filter and the The Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry are two separate "filters" that execute together (as all do) in an overall manifestation of personality and perception.

    The Notable Asymmetry:
    One whose default Serious setting is "more often serious" rather than "more often non-serious" is able to more accurately assess that he or she is a truly serious person, AND be able to assess someone else who is not as serious as being someone who is not naturally "as serious". On the other hand (the asymmetry!), someone who's default setting is towards the other extreme, and thus "more often non-serious" rather than "more often serious", will actually believe themselves to be "serious enough" and will simply view the serious person as "way more serious than necessary" or "not able to see the forest from the trees."

    This sets up a situation where the non-serious person regards what they are doing or concerned about as serious, but not actually being serious about what they are doing. They may not be thinking about something sufficiently in order to make a good judgment about something, and yet they believe truly that they are. The inevitable mistakes happen that take the non-serious person by surprise when the serious person will have seen "that an accident was going to happen" all along.
    • Filter description not yet posted. Summary for this page not yet created
    • Default setting "more often frivolous" - very much drawn to Enjoyment and Humor for its own sake
    • Default setting "more often serious" - very much drawn to Enjoyment and Fun while comprehending The Factual. Including understanding the factual when offered a fictional literary illustration for it.

    (If you came here for this filter's brief definition, use the "BACK" function to return.)

  • Others not listed.
More will be summarized soon. Whatever that means.

Summing Up
We'll get to it.

ConserveLiberty has posted discussions of a few of its proposed Behavioral Personality and Perception Spectrum Filters in the chapter titled "Developed Filters."

A growing list of additional traits or filters that we will expand and elucidate in further updates to this section can be found here.

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