From time to time Infrequently Asked Questions come to mind, either because they are asked outright or they are wondered about privately.
In no particular order of importance, let's address a few:
What up with the name? Why is this the resource called
The About Page probably addresses this adequately, but let's pile on a bit more.
Those who are completely unfamiliar with the site might wonder why "Liberty" is so overtly called out within the resource. To so obviously proclaim Liberty, and to advocate its conservation or enhancement can lead one to imagine the site might have a political objective. After all, people fight wars in the name of "Liberty." Often, when one has a complaint, the term "Liberty" is tossed around for the purpose of impact whether or not rationally warranted. More to the point, when all is going well, and everyone is having fun, no one really speaks of Liberty. Thus, the term "Liberty," when it gets used, can raise questions such as, "What is the point of this really all about?"
Since this resource is not intended to be political (but rather, in the end, both spiritual and scientific), then it might therefore follow that the politically correct (PC) thing to do would be to come up with an other term than "Liberty."
Except that this site is decidedly NOT politically correct, and won't endeavor to be so. Rather,
simply focuses on being correct. And, with regard to the term "Liberty", it turns out that Liberty is the perfect word to use to convey what this resource advocates.
Check here. ←
We are at our natural best, and most in harmony, when we are at Liberty to innovate and be ourselves, so long as we accept personal ownership of the consequences of our choices and actions. (Someday we will clarify this further to include the notions of laws and cooperation (voluntary restrictions of liberty so as to avoid anarchy and achieve the desired aims of each in the participating group.)
Why is communicating the importance of Liberty so important?
This resource will focus primarily on the way nature appears to work, based on observation and robust scientific methodology. Where we leave observation and dive into speculation, hypothesis, and conjecture, we only offer assertions that are testable, if not today, then someday in the future. We do not propose the un-testable, even if such a proposition might be reflective of the actual truth.
One of the assertions that is made within the
resource is that all living (e.g. animal, plant, etc.) behavior (including human) has
an organic mechanism
underlying it. For us, then, our behavior is enabled through genetically inherited, biologically built, present, and active structures and their chemical environments.
However, our behaviors are conditional. Meaning, they are conditioned by the environment we find ourself within.
For social animals, such as humans, the relevant environment is both physical AND cultural. For reasons that work very well for the survival of our species in most circumstances,
we are indoctrinatable
by the cultural influences we find ourselves within.
While it is important to rely on our surrounding culture to help us understand ourselves and others so that we may be cooperative and productive with one another, it is also important to be aware that we can be influenced negatively as well. Our species has an instinctive urge to conquer each other. The term "conquer" is not intended here to be of the military type of conquest, although that certainly is an extreme example of "conquest." Rather, "conquer" is meant generically here, somewhat like "influence", or "manipulate", or "convince" with the intention of having another (or many) do or think as we wish them to.
Conquest is more easily done when notions of "liberty" are not closely held. It turns out that it is not too difficult to erode closely held impulses for liberty. Most of us (being built generally as socially cooperative creatures) also have instincts to assign others roles of authority over us, and to obey them. We, like many mammals, look for "alphas" to respect and give our allegiance to. The alphas among us are usually quite happy to assume that role.
This resource is intended to elevate "Liberty" as an ideal to be proudly, and resolutely embraced. In fact, the embrace of Liberty is considered
a Spiritual matter.
Those that possess a strong ideal of Liberty are most able to maintain the conviction and drive and confidence to be exactly who they are, and to drive innovation and decision making in their own lives and relationships in a way that is most harmonic with the way they have been built.
The best way to advance the ideal of Liberty is by discussing the Truth of the way in which All That Is has come to be, interacts with itself, evolves with itself, and differentiates with itself.
Who is David Apollo?
Click here for limited information about one of our contributors.
What do the various "Pics of the Day" have to do with Liberty?
The Daily Quotes are taken from a variety of sources. They have in common with each other insights or inspiration that would be enjoyed by those wanting to be personally responsible for developing their own sense of Liberty within a socially cooperative context.
The Daily AstroPics, AnimalPics, and PlantPics are simply a growing collection of the wonderfully varied ways in which all of the natural world manifests itself by doing nothing more than interacting, evolving, and differentiating itself according to the natural properties it possesses by virtue of being a part of
All That Is.
About the Universal Properties
There are a number of Fundamental Principals, or Essential Factors, or Primary Traits that are inherent within
All That Is.
This resource will examine several of them over time.
When present together, the fundamental, or Universal Properties of Separateness, Competition, and Change give rise to the higher order trait we call Liberty. Importantly, all living things on this planet are in fact "alive" today because they have had the liberty to grow, adapt, and innovate in the face of environmental conditions that are always changing. Liberty, thus, is an essential higher order factor that has been required by all living things on earth today in order to have become a living thing on the earth today.
Click here for more on the Universal Properties.