Incredibly, what one finds as one studies cosmology, biology, and any of the other disciplines that can be examined from a scientific perspective is that ALL of them can be described and understood using
based models. So far, all of them. There are areas that are examined scientifically that we don't have good mathematical models for yet. For them, it is because they are not well understood today. As we better understand them, we will also have mathematical models that work well for them.
For those areas that are not subjected to mathematical analysis, it is also true that they are never well understood empirically. Many may say that in fact they are, and that there simply isn't math that can be applied to them. If you watch those closely, you will also find that what people offer as interpretations of those areas change over time. Now changes do occur all the time within topics that are understood mathematically, but the changes are also due to better math and better analysis being employed. For that which is not described mathematically, those changes are most often due to changing opinions or changing tastes or changing rhetoric. Descriptions that are essentially rooted only in opinion, tastes, and rhetoric are not candidates for Compelling Truth.
Where there is Truth that is not well mathematically understood, that may be because the math and the evidence hasn't been sufficiently worked out. How, in these cases, can we sort the True from the False? We will not address this question in this section. Here, we are going to stick with the math, and the wonderful fact that so many spiritually influential aspects of All That Is have the extraordinary feature, perhaps even as a
Fundamental Rule,
that they all adhere consistently to mathematically oriented models and descriptions.
Like music.
Like color.
Like photography.
Like all of any of the hard sciences, such as physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc.
Like all of anything to be engineered or built.
Like any trade based on trust and fairness and agreement.
Like all of sports.
Like any type of movement, interception, or even propulsion to a target.
And on and on and on.
It is true that many of these activities are carried on with intention. But intention alone does not render results. None of these would successfully deliver what we may hope or anticipate they deliver were it not for the mathematical consistency that governs what results from them.
Quite a bit that we consider personally significant, and thus quite Spiritual, is governed by the mathematical foundation that describes these through and through!
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