What Can Be Said:
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This is a difficult section to write. It is not clear how to craft this such that it can be received as Credible Truth. I do understand that if it were written with such compelling rhetoric that you found the narrative appealing or convincing, and you perceived the author as likeable, and something entertaining was included here and there, that many would accept this section as credible and true. However, that style of delivery, and especially that style of delivery as a device for gaining the embrace of this message as Truth is not what ConserveLiberty is all about.

In fact, the audience that is primarily influenced by good rhetoric is not even the target audience for ConserveLiberty.

Here's the thing about "non-verifiable areas of Truthful Spiritual Significance". If a statement is non-verifiable, how can it be proven, to you or others, that it is in fact actually true? By non-verifiable, ConserveLiberty means not empirically testable, which means we can't invoke it whenever desired in order to test or examine it. And why can't we do that? Because these areas of spirituality are not something that we control. We may want to, but we can't. Or, perhaps I should be more exact about what I know about this. These areas of spirituality are something I cannot control. I have no ability to control anything that is non-verifiable and truthfully Spiritual that I might speak of in this section whatsoever.

So in short, I cannot prove that any of what I might mention in this section is actually the result of something truthfully spiritual AND of the category that is non-verifiable.

But I am going to mention this: What I am going to depict in this section is truthfully Spiritual, AND non-verifiable nonetheless.

And how do I know that? By "know" I do not mean "strongly believe", but rather, "have come to this skeptically, with an open mind for a variety of alternate explanations, and after several related experiences have come to understand that what was going on here was truly spiritual and real in nature, although non-verifiable."

I have experienced the specific non-verifiable aspects of Spirituality that I discuss in this posting repeat themselves in my lifetime. The specific events have not repeated themselves, but the way these aspects have manifested themselves in my experiences have repeated.

And, because of the nature of what this is, although I am putting it out there anyway, I also do not expect to be believed.

Why? Well, my Filters are, as an ensemble, different from everyone else's. The same can be said and is true for everyone else and their filters. Thus, what I experience in the non-verifiable spiritual realm, or am able to experience, and the way I interpret it is going to be different than what others may be familiar with experiencing in this realm. That's OK. Let's just keep that in mind. And, I am putting this out there anyway.

Importantly, as with all non-verifiable spiritual features that are relevant to me, I also may not tell you what they actually are, directly. That is something I have come to understand as a Rule. And, if you experience these types of spiritual features in your own life, you also probably know that that is also true for you. You may not tell anyone what they are, you may not tell anyone when they may happen, and you cannot try to control it. Violate any of those three, and the feature at issue will not manifest itself, and it may or may not manifest itself again for an indeterminate amount of time.

Which has interesting relevance regarding request prayers vs. gratitude prayers. Perhaps that is worth elaborating on in a post sometime after this one. How many times are the prayers that people make in actuality simply an attempt to influence, and thus control outcome?

However, I think it is probably OK to tell you about an experience I've had without calling out what the actual spiritual feature(s) was/were that manifested. You may think the implied features are obvious. I'm suggesting that it may not actually be what you intuitively think it is. Why is that? Because our Filters are different. You will be assessing my story from your perspective, and considering what those spiritual features may be from your perspective, but in actuality the truth is something I am trying to indirectly communicate from my perspective.

Nonetheless, you may be able to perceive that something happened outside the realm of verifiable truth or verifiable science with this posting. That will be fine. If you get there, you'll get that something happened. And, if you are still with me, then you will understand that neither you nor I know what exactly happened, or why.

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