Offered by David Apollo

Every year the U.S. celebrates Veterans Day.

And every year, it seems we miss the point.

What should be remembered is an extraordinary Repeating Fact of Human Existence.
If you do not want to be conquered, killed, or enslaved,
then you must be ready to wage war, truly wage it, and Win.
Winning is not ever guaranteed.

[ count my blessings twice pic ]
On Veterans Day, while perhaps not instinctual to everyone, this Truth is obvious to many.

Veterans Day is NOT a holiday called so that many have an excuse for a day off to arrange for food and entertainment with friends. Yet, that does seem to be the holiday's focus once we get past the brief reminder that it is called "Veterans Day" for some reason.

Veterans Day is intended as a holiday where time is taken and Gratitude felt by many towards the few that have served our nation and prepared for, or actually went to war. They may have lived through it or died as a result of it, but they went.

Other links of interest:

  • The Oath

  • While most would prefer to regard war as an uncivilized bestial manifestation of the worse endeavors of humankind, it is not actually possible that we are even free to think such civilized thoughts were it not for the wars that have prevented us from being killed or enslaved.


    Factual Speeches and Essays

    Added Nov 2018: Added Nov 2017:
    Our wars cost us our lives and our health so that we may have our lives and our health. Our wars cost some their lives so that others may have theirs. Our wars, actually, are fought to defeat the bestial manifestation of the worse endeavors of humankind.

    While Veterans Day is specifically a holiday honoring U.S. Veterans, ConserveLiberty would like to point out that we are free today not simply because of the efforts and sacrifices of our own Veterans, but also because of the sacrifices of Veterans from other countries. Oftentimes, the human costs of the wars we have fought were far greater for other countries than the costs to our own, as massive and as tragic as they have been.

    Read more to help you contemplate what is meant above →

    Consider thoughtfully:


    Remember Veterans Day. Gratefully. And honor those who were there for you to give Their Full Measure,

    Thus endeth the Thought for the Week!!!