Offered by David Apollo

There is a VERY GOOD REASON ConserveLiberty does not advocate explicitely for any particular perspective other than the Liberty to Be What One Has Been Built to Be.

And that is not really an advocacy, per se, because the only thing that we ever really can be Is What One Has Been Built to Be.

[ All Dogs Matter pic ]
All Dogs Matter
So, it is a rather "gonna be it anyway" kind of thing to advovate. All That Is will never contradict that. Because that is all the Fundamental Prerequisites enabling the universe can ever enable us to be ... ever.

That said, we have evolved in various ways as the "Math of the Phenomenon of the Living" has unfolded, and only can unfold. Since our Lineage survives only by making sure that we do not die before reproducing, one aspect of that is that we have evolved to eat or kill or evade or control that which would eat or kill or evade or control us. That is the entire mechanism of operation (MOA) of selective evolution in a nutshell.

Which means some (many) among us have inherited the instinct to be Tyrants.

Skipping over those examples where the Tyranny Instinct (to have control and to get what you want) is a constructive and good thing, we should also understand that tyranny can also be a rather destructive, enslaving, and lethal instinct as well.

Examples of factual speeches
and essays by others:
Tyranny seeks control not only over our own lives, but control over what we are "allowed by others" to think as well.

Which is where the following essay is focused   →

Consider thoughtfully:


You do not require permission from Tyrants for what you may Speak, for what you may Think, or for what you may Consider.

Thus endeth the Thought for the Week!!!