The ConserveLiberty AstroPic of the Day
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Fomalhaut b
From the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day web site
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NaturePic id 66
NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula
NaturePic id 67
NGC 6334: The Cat's Paw Nebula
NaturePic id 68
The Cone Nebula from Hubble
NaturePic id 69
The Protoplanetary Disk of HL Tauri from ALMA
NaturePic id 70
HR 8799: Discovery of a Multi-planet Star System
NaturePic id 71
Fomalhaut b
NaturePic id 72
Titan Beyond the Rings
NaturePic id 73
Titania's Trenches
NaturePic id 74
Triton: Neptune's Largest Moon
NaturePic id 75
Pluto's Newly Discovered Moons Receive Names
NaturePic id 76
Comet Tempel 1 from Stardust-NeXT Spacecraft
NaturePic id 77
Gas and Snow Jets from Comet Hartley 2